We get the job done

After working in the digital media industry as a lifestyle journalist and editor for several years, I found something lacking in the newsroom workflow. There were too many stories to be written and not enough manpower to take them on. 

Our staff were already overstretched with the workload. And that’s when I got to thinking, what if we had a news feed that only dealt with local celebrity gossip and viral-type content?  It would give us more time to free up our writers to concentrate on the stories that needed more love and attention. 
There were no such content services in South Africa that dealt specifically with local celebrity gossip. For the most part, newsrooms curate their content from other websites and publications, taking up valuable time we don’t have.
The long and short of it was dreaming up Fame Frenzy, an Afrocentric celebrity gossip newswire, expertly curated for a specific audience to gain more users and page impressions, resulting in monetization from an advertising perspective.
So, jump right in and check out our various services to match your company’s specific requirement.  – Marchelle

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